There's a famous saying that goes "Copenhagen is a state of mind" and I admit I couldn't quite understand how this was true on my previous visit to the Danish capital. As the base city of Oticon, one of our premier hearing brand partners, Denmark has been a destination I've frequently travelled to on behalf of Vision Care Hearing Solutions. My first trip to Denmark was an unforgettable trip not only because of all that I experienced but also because it was a summer camp run by Oticon for audiologists around the world. While I would not be camping out in the cold, misty wildernesses of Snekkerston this time around, I was happy to be staying in the capital city with a warm bed and something sturdier than a tent over my head.
What's more, this wasn't a solo trip. Dinuka Dayaratne one of the younger audiologists on our team was joining me on this overseas tour and I was doubly excited as it was his first time in Europe!
(Dinuka is all packed and ready to go)
(Istanbul airport)
As I was flying to Denmark via Istanbul for the first time ever, the route gave me the chance to do some shopping at the Turkish airport. Dinuka and I were flying in on different flights and airlines due to a visa delay and although this would have rattled me in previous tours, I was used to these common mishaps on the way to audiology conferences and events in other corners of the globe. The flight from Colombo to Istanbul took 8+ hours and the next leg of the trip took 2 hours so there was plenty of time to get some reading done but I was too sleepy to concentrate.
(Marienlyst Strand Hotel)
Once we landed in Copenhagen, hopping on a taxi to the downtown area was the fastest way to reach the Marienlyst Strand Hotel, our home for the next few days. Since there was still time before we had to check in, some of the other audiologists and I decided to do some sightseeing. Leaving our luggage at the hotel, my audiologist friends from Oman, India and Kuwait strolled over to the nearby Frederiksborg Castle. The golden chapel inside this grand palace was definitely the biggest highlight of the tour. By the time we made our way back to the hotel, it was time to unpack and get dressed for the Welcome Dinner organized by our Oticon regional manager Theis.
Early next morning we drove over to Oticon Headquarters located just an hour away. It had been 12 years since I'd been here and it was Dinuka's first glimpse of the head office. The last time I came it was made up of one imposing building and now they have expanded it to three. It reminded me of how Danes don't like skyscrapers and prefer to build laterally rather than expand vertically towards the clouds.
Dinuka and Me outside Oticon headquarters
On our walk around the headquarters, Theis filled me in on some fascinating details about Denmark I wasn't aware of. Like the fact that most of the country's older houses featured thatched hay roofs, lasting hundreds of years. Or the fact that the only dangerous animal in Danish forests is a mildly poisonous snake!
(inside the headquarters)
The tour with Inge kicked off with a stopover at the Digital Studio where Oticon creates its training content. Next, we moved on to the Sound Simulation Room where any acoustic environment can be instantly recreated with 100% accuracy. They played us a sample of an orchestral piece as well as a live Eagles concert that left me breathless due to the sound quality. It brought home the main reason why Oticon hearing aids can be and have been tested in nearly every sound environment
(our guide - Inge!)
A VR demonstration of Oticon's latest hearing technology followed and it was impressive, to say the least. Our guide for the remainder of the tour was Inge, a hearing pro I've known for nearly 13 years. She organizes most regional events for Oticon and always takes such good care of us. The first day concluded with dinner at the hotel where we were happy to hit the hay because we had an early start ahead of us.
There's something invigorating about being out in the open seas at 6.30 am! Theis challenged us to find if we had any Viking blood in us with this sunrise excursion in the wee hours of the morning. I could feel my hands and feet grow numb with each passing minute but my friend Arika from India agreed that it was a unique experience.
(A cold dip in the ocean at sunrise)
The Eriksholm Research Center was the main focus of the rest of the day. As a crucial part of Oticon, this research centre is where the world's cutting edge audiological discoveries are made every year. Working closely with the globe's leading academic research institutions, it is here that tools that can change people's lives are tested. It's hard not to be enchanted by the extensive grounds around the research centre. We also used our colleague from India as a test subject to see how many words she could hear and discern in a noisy environment.
(Ericksholm research center)
After the research centre, we were given the opportunity to enjoy a saltwater fishing trip. Some of the audiologists took part with great enthusiasm and even Dinuka tried his hand at pole and line fishing. As an animal lover, I opted out of this particular activity and was hilariously reprimanded by our fishing guide for tossing a fish back into the ocean!
(Dinuka having a go at fishing)
I was looking forward to the evening outing as we were told we'd be checking out a street food hotspot in the city. Although I and the other participants expected to find ourselves in the streets of Copenhagen wining and dining from roadside food vendors, that's not quite what happened! Instead, we were transported to a large indoor food court! So this is what Danes call street food! After dinner, there was just enough time to stroll over to another castle.
(Danish streetfood center)
The final day consisted of a lecture by Maureen on a new counselling tool followed by a comprehensive client journey session by Morton. This lecture really helped us understand the opportunities available at every turn to create a more positive experience for our clients. It was also a chance to learn from other audiologists about their markets. CJ's digital marketing presentation was equally informative although it's the entertaining group activities that I recalled fondly on the flight back home. Bidding farewell to Inge and my audiologist friends the next morning, Dinuka and I headed to the airport to catch our flight back home.
As brief as this trip was, it's one Dinuka and I won't soon forget not only because of how much we enjoyed ourselves but also what we learned that will help us serve our clients better.
(farewell dinner)
Until I jet off again, I remain...
Chathira Siriwardena
(Senior Audiologist, Vision Care Hearing Solutions.)